Examinations are a necessary component of any student's academic experience. Exam success gives you a sense of accomplishment, while exam failure can be hard to take. When we don't get the outcomes we were expecting for, it's normal to feel dissatisfied, but it's important to keep in mind that failure is not the end. It's a chance to develop and learn. Taking a deep breath and recognizing your emotions is the first step to getting over exam failure. While feeling dissatisfied is acceptable, try not to dwell on it. Change your attention to what you can do next. Examine your errors to determine where you need to make changes. Consider what went wrong and how you might prevent repeating the same errors in the future. Setting clear objectives is a critical first step in overcoming failure. Make a plan to reach your goals after you've determined the areas where you need to improve. Consider the journey rather than the destination, and make daily incremental progres...
'Dancer and Docent Divya' is a blog where you will find some interesting things about Classical Dance, Commerce and Real Life struggles which you can completely relate to.