Many college students struggle financially while they pursue their degrees. It may be extremely difficult to balance tuition, books, housing, and other living expenses, which is why many students are seeking for methods to generate money while they are in school. College students may generate money both offline and online thanks to the abundance of options available. Here are a few ways: 🤑 Offline Possibilities: Part-Time Jobs : Working a part-time job while attending college is a terrific way to get money. Depending on their qualifications and expertise, they could work at a nearby restaurant, shop, or other establishment. This will enable them to pay their bills while acquiring useful job experience. Tutoring : Students who excel in a specific topic could think about becoming tutors. They might give tutoring to younger pupils in their neighborhood or assist other students in their classrooms. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking : Animal-loving college students can provide pet-sitting or...
'Dancer and Docent Divya' is a blog where you will find some interesting things about Classical Dance, Commerce and Real Life struggles which you can completely relate to.